The fairytale story revolves around a young prince who - along with his entourage - is turned into a nutcracker through his own ungrateful and...
The Nutcracker and the Mouseking
Клуб Комедии
A drama set at the end of the Forties and the beginning of the Fifties. In a distant garrison town, life proceeds at a measured past. The officers...
Encore, Once More Encore!
The Lion's Share
In 1960 a secret rocket launch occurred, preceding the first manned flight into space. The spacecraft is damaged before it enters the orbit and...
The Man from Nowhere
Return of the "Battleship"
Mitrofan Aksenov is a genius who anticipated the most important and influential scientific discovery of the twentieth century — the theory of...
Mitrofan Aksenov's Sausage
The Italians, conquered by the Tatar singer's skill, offer him a contract. By the will of circumstances, Renat gets first to Yalta and only then on...
The Italian Contract