A story, which takes place in 2013, describes the world overflowing with "dangerous" criminals due to the official termination of death penalty. The...
Terra Nova
Romantic John the Fool and his friend Foal set out on a series of unpredictable adventures in different magical worlds. The two buddies will have to...
Upon the Magic Roads
A young truck driver from a small, nameless Russian town sets off on a spiritual journey that has no actual purpose and no verifiable destination,...
He considers himself a genius but the publishers refuse to print his works. He loves women but they don’t always understand him. Constantly...
1942 Major Toporkov, who escaped from captivity, makes his way to the partisan camp surrounded by the Germans. The major asks the commander of the...
In the center of the story is the story of two people. He is the conductor of the famous symphony orchestra, giving a concert at a Russian military...
Syrian Sonata
A woman and a young girl in different cities are struggling to find their way in this world. Will their paths intersect and will that change their...
Andrey is the coach of a children's hockey team in a small provincial town. The hero's measured life is disrupted by the news that the only ice...
Hockey Dads
A drama about a 15-year-old teenager Maxim, who obsessively watches his father's mistress. Maxim wants to kill her, not realizing that this only...
Just Before
Based on Anton Chekhov's classic play, The Orchard is an eccentric comedy about class struggles in Russia at the turn of the 20th century. An aging...
The Orchard
St. Petersburg, 1860. After a member of the imperial family is assassinated, Fyodor Dostoevsky meets one of the conspirators, who reveals that his...
The Demons of St. Petersburg
Видримасгор, или История моего космоса
Is secret cooperation with the government a respectable thing?.. This is the question Nikolay should answer for himself.
The story unfolds in St. Petersburg during the season of White Nights, when night becomes curiously indistinguishable from day. Masha has struck it...
Couture Dress
The story of a young Chechen and his Russian captor during a war between Russia and Chechnya.