The film follows Denis, a young aspiring DJ who, although poor, has everything else in his favor: a calling in life as a musician, good friends and a...
In this hit Russian musical, a group of friends flaunts Soviet authority in 1950s Moscow by embracing jazz. When Communist Mels falls for Polly, a...
A group of friends and bandmates look to escape from the Chernobyl disaster.
Innocent Saturday
It is the early 20th century. Tevye the Dairyman lives in a small village in Ukraine. He is poor and believes that his daughters have one chance to...
Tevye's Daughters
Two women meet by happenstance traveling from Moscow to Perm. After their flight is delayed, Aleksandra and Zhenia spend a night in Moscow that turns...
Without Men
Kesha, a young magician assistant, is desperately in love with a young journalist Alisa. He is ready to do everything possible to conquer her.
Kiss through the Wall
The film is based on the early songs of Viktor Tsoi. This is a story about a young slacker, easy and fun going through life. He strumming a guitar...
Его папа хочет стать...
Na Oshchup
Eleven comedic vignettes featuring conversations – some important, some less so – held in restaurants over coffee and cigarettes (how...
Sex, Coffee, Cigarettes
The young gifted artist Ryabinin cannot stay away from the conflict in Donbass; he leaves his beloved girl in Moscow, a well-fed and calm life, and...
Call Sign "Passenger"
Two veteran meteorologists spend their days on a remote mountain weather station, accompanied by a young boy working as a cook. Their every-day...
The Weather Station
Friday night is almost like a shortened New year's night. One can expect every kind of surprises on that night. Friday night has its special magic.
Victor aka Hammer is an MMA champion with the world title fight ahead. After running into the mobster Shark Hammer gets injured but is still...
A story of a young girl Claudia who works as a security guard on a slowly dying metal plant.
Dovlatov charts six days in the life of a brilliant, ironic writer who saw far beyond the rigid limits of 70s Soviet Russia. Sergei Dovlatov fought...
Russian troops occupied Paris. Russia became the first power in the world. Now everything seems possible. Young winners, guards officers, are sure...
Union of Salvation
Romantic John the Fool and his friend Foal set out on a series of unpredictable adventures in different magical worlds. The two buddies will have to...
Upon the Magic Roads
The film is based on criminal case materials. Swindlers of the Club of Red Jacks became known for crimes, which were extremely difficult to solve...
Jacks of Hearts Club
The matriarchal clan led by gorgeous Margarita enters a turbulent period when her son loses his beloved fiancée. Using the structure of a...
The North Wind
34-year-old physicist-astronomer Ignat Halley, fascinated by the stars and work at the mountain observatory, flies to the capital to file for a...
Halley's Comet
Young female fighter pilots arrive to the frontline. They have different stories and different fates. They are getting older, falling in love and...
The film takes place in Russia, America and Japan. The main character Vladimir Ognev is the son of a family of immigrants from Russia. in the early...