In war-torn Japan, the Tokugawa Shogun, desperate to restore peace to his people, orders the assassination of the hostile warlords. A beautiful young...
Ichi is a blind entertainer that travels the countryside with her traditional Japanese guitar and walking stick. She’s in search for the kind...
A continuation from the Kamen Rider Ghost TV series, this is the story of Makoto, Alain, and Kanon who have traveled back to the Ganma World. It will...
Kamen Rider Ghost RE:BIRTH - Kamen Rider Specter
Heinous. Two wolves haunted by the past. Can you hear the gunshot?-Is it his voice?- Starring: Ichizo Matsuda ("The Emblem of the Yakuza", "The Rule...
Solitary Scream
Sequel to 'Solitary Scream'.
Solitary Scream 2 DARKNESS
The year is 1947, during the war torn period of the Showa era. The story begins when a man, presumed to have been killed in battle, returns home. Who...
Moonlight Mask
On a massive luxury cruise ship while at sea, the loyal butler and a mysterious woman cross paths as they try to uncover a murder-mystery that occurs...
In Love and Deep Water
In the future, the Japanese government captures a class of ninth-grade students and forces them to kill each other under the revolutionary "Battle...
Battle Royale
Kuramochi Bon works at a fast food burger joint, taking out the garbage. All his life he has been told he is ugly, and has never even held hands with...
Cinderella ni Naritai
What happens when young people meet amidst the warmth, soft breezes and gentle waves of Okinawa? This is a romantic love story about a young college...
Song of Love
Monji Mori comes to Tokyo to meet up with his old friend, Nakajima, who attempts to persuade Monji to come join the local yakuza. Monji quickly runs...
The Edo period. Once a famous swordsman, Kyutaro Madarame, aka “Madara the Devil,” is now a masterless samurai. When a white cat called...
Samurai Cat 2: A Tropical Adventure
Botan has a father who is a sparkler maker. One day, she is frustrated because she is not allowed to make sparklers, and her father, Yanagi, has a...
Summer Ends