After completing his training, an elite young assassin embarks on his first mission and is quickly ensnared in an intricate plot laid by powerful...
Song of the Assassins
Fleeing an arranged marriage in China, the independent Peony signs a contract to work as a “flower girl” in America, where she meets Tom,...
The Jade Pendant
Working as an ordinary artist on Bai Ze's comic project The Legend of Demon Sea has aspiring artist Feng Xue feeling like wasted talent. To vent his...
Legend of the Demon Seal
An insurance salesman's life is going nowhere after he breaks up with his girlfriend. One day, an offbeat lady claiming to be a Goddess with magical...
An unexplained fire, an unidentified female corpse, and an extortion letter of unknown origin drag the innocent hotel owner Dong Hongliang's peaceful...
Arrest Yang Qiangqiang