This anthology drama presents four short films honoring Chinese families, spotlighting the struggles of key groups across four pivotal eras: the...
My Country, My Parents
Wen Shan is a mediocre screenwriter struggling to make a living in Beijing. Commercial projects are left undone, and his own stories fall by the...
All Ears
Second chapter of Shanshui Painting series from Gu, portrays a mother and her son living amid economic turbulence in the beautiful Chinese green...
Dwelling by the West Lake
Taxi driver Wang Dong and his wife divorced and took their son Wang Guchuan (Chuan Chuan) with them, and Shen Fang, who also divorced and took their...
Chuanchuan and Yangyang
Set Sail 2024 - China Central Radio and Television Station New Year's Eve Party
In 1931, a famous person borrowed an ancient painting to appreciate, but he refused to return it. The owner of the painting was embarrassed to ask...
Decent Things
Zhang Beijing loss his face at his son’s engagement party. After that he refunds the sense of purpose by helping Liu Angxi, a screenwriter of...
The Hutong Cowboy
In 1942, a Japanese cargo ship "Lisbon Maru" loaded with more than 1,800 British POWs was torpedoed and sunk by a U.S. submarine in the waters near...
Dongji Island
In the future, three Chinese astronauts, on their way back to Earth, encountered a complicated situation and lost contact with the ground. At the...
The Decisive Moment
An epic fantasy loosely based on Buddhist mythology, it is set in the mythical realm of Asura — the dimension of pure desire which is...
A washed-up private security agent has to escort a valuable Chinese antique out of Shanghai but is ambushed en route.
S.M.A.R.T. Chase
When teenagers Rachel and Grace travel inside a super-powered rainbow to China, they disturb nature's balance. Using Rachel's connection to the...
Into the Rainbow
In a kingdom ruled by a young and unpredictable king, the military commander has a secret weapon: a shadow, a look-alike who can fool both his...
This movie tells 6 stories of how people interact with their pets to find love.
Documentary about the making of Zhang Yimou's fiction movie Shadow.
Zhang Yimou's "Shadow"
Prequel to animation series "Journey to the West", Su Yi, a princess of the heavenly realm, befriends Sun Wukong in the mortal world and falls in...
The Westward: Good Bye, Monkey King
Nezha gets into trouble and implicates his parents who are punished by the heavens along with him. He bravely steps up and admits his fault, which...
The Legend of Nezha
When a white lie leads to unexpected results, Chen Chen and Zheng Yuxing forge a deep friendship and must face the harsh realities of growing up.
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