Finalists, semi-finals, and finals of the competition to determine the "Kaiou," the most powerful ghost storyteller who tells the scariest ghost...
Kaidan Saikyou Sen 2018 The Decisive Battle
Almost all of the dialogue and narration is extracted from the original work, with only minor differences in the storyline as follows. Yashiro...
Directed by Minoru Kawasaki
Invasion! Galpanda Z
Straight to video film directed by Minoru Kawasaki
Zodiac Angel Chiarat Gaiden Chanoir's Revenge
A special effects science fiction comedy starring Mami Hase.
Meg Lion
Masaya is a university student, but he attends a school that's not his ideal school. His days are generally gloomy. One day, he receives a letter...
Lesson in Murder
This is the second volume of a horror variety series with Junji Inagawa, the master of ghost stories, as the host.
Junji Inagawa: Sleepless Ghost Stories: All-Stars 2
This is the first volume of a horror variety show featuring Junji Inagawa, the "King of Nemurenae" as the main dealer.
Junji Inagawa: Sleepless Ghost Stories: Tales 1
An Affair
Tomoko wakes up trapped in an unknown and terrifying place. She tries to ask for help, but no one comes. After rolling a dice she travels to an even...
Game of Shark
Secret auctions have been held for decades in Shinjuku, Tokyo, where people buy and sell babies. These exclusive gatherings accurately portray the...
Shinjuku Midnight Baby
In Japan, gonzo filmmakers hatch a three-pronged plan to save an actress's career, end a yakuza war and make a hit movie.
Why Don't You Play in Hell?