An uproarious human-interest comedy about the love between a father and daughter of a good-natured sandwich man, set against the backdrop of the...
Directed by Edagawa Hiroshi, this film stars Funakoshi Eiji and Kawakami Yasuko.
Mr. Minami is Very Embarrassed
Period drama based on the novel by Saisei Murō.
Jigoku bana
In Kyoto a young kimono maker with traditional ideas gets involved with a married professor.
Night River
A comedy featuring The Golden Bat
The Golden Bat Shows Up
A youthful film filled with youth and passion, set against the backdrop of the ocean and filled with admiration for a dynamic young man and the heart...
Training Ship of Yearning
A young woman decides to leave school in order to help her sister.
Farewell Song
A Girl isn't Allowed to Love is a 1955 Japanese film directed by Teinosuke Kinugasa.
A Girl Isn't Allowed to Love
Gambler's World
In the summer of 1941, the United States and Japan seem on the brink of war after constant embargos and failed diplomacy come to no end. "Tora! Tora!...
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Based on the original work by Shuji Hojo, Itohan Monogatari depicts the fate of a clumsy and kind-hearted woman in the Taisho era.
Itohan Monogatari
The heroic warrior uses his magical powers and great sword skills to battle a criminal gang who all wear devil outfits.
Akado Suzunosuke Destroys the Devil Mask Gang
A young offender who is already guilty of many crimes is sentenced again for rape. Upon his release from prison, a year later, the victim waits to...
The Lowest Man
A Secret Night
Morning Whistling
A studio introduction version for Daiei Stars.
Daiei Studio is Bustling