A woman in the midst of an unpleasant divorce moves to an eerie apartment building with her young daughter. The ceiling of their apartment has a dark...
Dark Water
In future Tokyo, a young woman in the privatized police force tracks down her father's killer while battling against mutant rebels known as engineers.
Tokyo Gore Police
Shogo, the arrogant and condescending star of a popular call-in radio-show must temporarily broadcast out of Studio 6, a creepy and dilapidated booth...
The Booth
Several otaku band together to save the baby of a Filipina mother.
Shichi-nin no otaku: Cult seven
Cream Lemon: Ikenai Mako-chan
Three young Japanese drop-outs are comically adrift in New York
The Artful Dodgers
Each time Lulu is heartbroken small stones come out of her body. The doctor tells Lulu they are kidney stones. She collects them in memoriam of love.
Seventh Anniversary
A rock band writes a song called "Fish Story" that is foretold to save the world. The song exceeds the boundaries of space and time and ties people...
Fish Story
While combing through the belongings of his recently deceased aunt, Matsuko, nephew Sho pieces together the crucial events that sank Matsuko's life...
Memories of Matsuko
There has been a surge in the number of people killing themselves; a mysterious DVD is found on the bodies of the victims... Nozomi falls under the...
The Suicide Manual 2: Intermediate Stage
Fifteen girls who went on an expedition to an uninhabited island are left behind because their ship sank. The girls' survival begins.
Fifteen Girl Island Diary
Love story between a cloned boy and bullied high school girl.
Be The World For Her
A dismembered corpse washes up on a beach, and near it, footprints that appear to belong to a child are left behind.