Ten years ago, a young girl was found dead in the school pool as a result of a bullying incident, and a teacher also attempted suicide in agony. The...
Urban Spirit Legend: Yuko
A horror documentary that approaches the mystery of the most evil cursed mask that brings misfortune to those involved, introduced on TV. The...
Cursed Mask
The secret story of the birth of the famous yokai "Slit-Mouthed Woman" that shook Japan; "Rubber Man" and "Teketeke" - Hikita's frightening...
Sekai de Ichiban Kowai Jugyō "Etsuran Chūi!"「Yōkai-gaku」
The three evil forces of the occult world have gathered! The mystery of the "afterlife" will be explored with real-life experiences! Does the...
Gakkou no Kaidan
This is the final chapter of the series in which Keiichi Tsuchiya report on their experiences and areas of fear.
Toko Jitsuzai Dokyumento: Toge Saikyo Densetsu
This is the third installment in the "Shikoku Pilgrimage" series of horror documentaries in which horror storyteller Junji Inagawa goes directly to...
Junji Inagawa - Shikoku Pilgrimage: Terrifying Sites - The True "Death Country" 88 Sacred Places - VOL.3
This is the first installment in the "Shikoku Pilgrimage" series of horror documentaries in which horror storyteller Junji Inagawa visits haunted...
Junji Inagawa - Shikoku Pilgrimage: Terrifying Sites - The True "Death Country" 88 Sacred Places - VOL.1
This is the second volume of the horror documentary series in which Junji Inagawa examines psychic phenomena. Sky Rest New Muroto is located at the...
Junji Inagawa - Terrifying Sites Final Chapter: Forbidden Land Forever and Eternally VOL.2
This is the second installment in the "Shikoku Pilgrimage" series of horror documentaries in which horror storyteller Junji Inagawa goes directly to...
Junji Inagawa - Shikoku Pilgrimage: Terrifying Sites - The True "Death Country" 88 Sacred Places - VOL.2
Junji Inagawa examines psychic phenomena in this horror documentary series. The second volume is "A haunted house in a certain place in Saga...
Junji Inagawa - Terrifying Sites Final Chapter Part 2: The Beginning of the End Vol.2
Three girls are selected to collect information on the places renowned as psychic phenomenon in Kanto Area. They are Miri Hanai, Saya Hikita and...
Haunting Places Report
Hokuto Girls' Academy is a den of unruly delinquents from all over the country. A girl has come to bring peace and order to the dilapidated school...
Yankee High School Girl 5