In a future where World War II never ended, Japan is decimated by nightly bombings. The only building left standing is known as the Media Station, a...
Hakuchi: The Innocent
The cockroaches of Saito's apartment live in peace with their human host, who gives them lots of space to breed and plenty of leftovers to munch on....
Twilight of the Cockroaches
Komori Tiaki is a budding tennis student. However, one day in training her coach hits the ball into her eye accidentally. She is taken to hospital...
The Visitor in the Eye
Zokubutsu zukan
An anthology of strange horror tales featuring yokai. It begins with astronauts finding a katana on the moon.
Monster Heaven
Hoping to find a sense of connection to her late mother, Gorgeous takes a trip to the countryside to visit her aunt at their ancestral house. She...
Depicts the life of Nagaharu Yodogawa.
The Nagaharu Yodogawa Story: A Cineaste's Life in Kobe
After a series of chance meetings a shiftless motorbike enthusiast Ko begins a romance with a carefree girl Miyo, after teaching her to ride. When...
His Motorbike, Her Island
A shady music mogul brings together two wannabe stars—punk rock rebel Kan and new-wave crooner Shingo—and transforms them into the...
The Legend of the Stardust Brothers
Ayase Shinsuke, a popular writer of a series of girl novels, visits Otaru, the town he grew up in. He meets a strange boy who calls himself by the...
Haruka, Nostalgia