Fujieda Baian is admired during the day as a skilled acupuncturist. However, at night, he is a highly skilled assassin, taking on contracts to...
Baian the Assassin: Showdown
For a little extra money a college student agrees to pose as a nude model for a magazine. But she finds out too late that the magazine is a...
Zoom Up: Graduation Photo
Set in a future world. Japan has created a great medical technology that controls ethics, health, and social interaction to create a perfect world....
Yuki Kimura, a company president's secretary, agrees to marry his son Yutaka on the president's recommendation. When Yutaka breaks up with his lover,...
Mofuku no niau hitozuma futari
Kawamoto works and lives in a dilapidated pool hall which also serves as a rehearsal space for him and his friend Chikako. They seem contented to...
Timeless Melody