Kamen Rider Zi-O: Special Event is stage show of Kamen Rider Zi-O. The stage show was performed live on May 4-5, 2019, and was released on DVD on...
Kamen Rider Zi-O: Special Event
Set in an alternative world of Bungo Stray Dogs, this "what-if" story imagines if Atsushi Nakajima was in the Port Mafia and Ryūnosuke Akutagawa...
Bungo Stray Dogs the Movie: BEAST
The stage of this work is Saitama, a suburb of Tokyo in the early Heisei period. Immediately after the bubble burst gangster countermeasures law,...
Gray Wall Gear
Schoolteacher Yohei is married to Miyoko. For the first time in 25 years they begin to live by themselves when their son marries and moves out. Then...
A Loving Husband
The story follows Nozaki Haruka, a middle school student who transfers to a new school in a small town because of her father's work. Unfortunately,...
In the Hyper Battle DVD, we will discover that Geiz is afraid of ghosts. This gained him a new form, the Bibill Ride Watch to transform into Kamen...
Kamen Rider BiBiBi no Bibill Geiz
It's September 2018, and a group of high school students are more than ever excited to pursue their dreams. Sougo Tokiwa wants to become a desirable...
Kamen Rider Zi-O NEXT TIME: Geiz, Majesty
Tamaki got disheartened when she was sent to the Percussion Division of her catholic Music School. There she overheard a Girl playing Wadaiko Drums....
Wadaiko Girls
Sougo Tokiwa who always dreamed of becoming a king encounters a mysterious girl who came from the future and warns him that he would become the king...
Kamen Rider Zi-O