The investigative unit of the Metropolitan Police Department organized a special investigative team to uncover a series of frequent gang robberies...
G-Men of Japan
Sixteen people are to stay at a desolate country station. Since a train accident during the war, a ghost train has been coming there at midnight. And...
Ghost Train
As his investments in the stock market fail, a man finds himself in serious debt to a lecherous loan-shark named Uchiyama. The man's wife hires...
Blue Film Woman
The film depicts the plight of a female office worker whose boss introduces to the world of pornographic films.
Blue Film: Estimation
Princess Oboro, the queen of the Tanuki palace and stubborn at heart, falls in love with coffeehouse worker Kurotaro at first sight.
Hanakurabe tanuki-den
Pinku from 1969.
Hiden: Haragei 18-ban
Subterranean Heat
Fourth film of the Bannai Tarao series starring Chiezo Kataoka
Thirty-three footprints
The story focuses on the widower Nemoto, ostensibly a businessman, who has one son, Kanichi, the hero of the title. Nemoto remarries; his new wife is...
A Hero of Tokyo
The story deals with Fuji, nicknamed Waka-danna (Young Master), the star athlete on his university's rugby team. The son of a wealthy soy sauce...
The Boss's Son at College
The story is centered around the devastating experiences of two villagers, Osaki Shuichi, and his cousin, Nishimiura Kinue, when they leave their...
The fourth installment of G-men of Japan
G-men of Japan 4: Special Armed Unit Mobilization
Directed by Mikio Naruse. It is presumed to be lost.
A Man with a Married Woman's Hairdo
Detective Tarao goes undercover to battle an evil gun smuggling business.
The Seven Faces of Bannai Tarao, Private Eye
To fulfill a friend’s dying wish, a young sailor Kenji takes on the task of delivering an heirloom to his friend’s daughter, Harumi, who...
The Deep Blue Sea
A sadistic Daimyo (feudal lord) rapes a woman and murders both her and her husband, but even when one of his own vassals commits suicide to bring...
13 Assassins
A fatherless boy's mother passes him from one aunt to another.
Crybaby Apprentice
The eighth film in the "master detective with seven faces" series. Bannachi patrols the town in his taxi when he sees a man heading into Shiodome...
Seven Masks of Revenge
A young couple is harrased by an uncle.
Happy Times
Sequel to the movie Denko karate uchi.
Meteor Karate Strike