The first in a series of erotic novels written by Koto Yubuki from ‘French Shoin Bunko’. A housewife, Natsuko, is informed of her...
Married Woman and Homeroom Teacher
Genji Sokabe (Hakuryu) is a legendary hit-man who has just finished a 15-year prison stretch for killing the head of a rival gang. But Genji returns...
The Legend of Ando Family: The Road to Hell
After Kunisada's Yakuza leader and father figure is brutally murdered, he and his best friend go on a two-man mission to avenge his death, killing...
Deadly Outlaw: Rekka
A yakuza movie directed by Eiichi Kudo
Ando Gumi Gaiden Genealogy of the Group Wolf
Sequel to 'Ando Gumi Gaiden Genealogy of the Group Wolf'
Ando Gumi Gaiden Genealogy of the Group Wolf 2
Love Hotel Night
叔母は家庭教師 もっと教えて
In order to settle a business dispute, a mob leader murders one of his own teenage sons. The surviving son vows to avenge his brother's death, and...
Fudoh: The New Generation
narrow attic room. Student Yamamoto was breathless at the sight he saw peeking through the gap. His mentor, Takabayashi's second daughter, Masako,...
Beautiful Sisters
Tomoyo was the lover of Udo, a leading member of the Japanese mafia. When Udo disappears with a bundle of dirty money, she is a suspected accomplice....
Wild Criminal
An anthology of three erotic stories. In the first story ("Pink Encounter"), a salesman is unable to control his libido as a customer takes off all...
Lady in Heat
Nomoto Miho, a Japanese adult movie actor, plays a married girl. One day, the husband discovered a hair on the toilet and that was not his....
Virgin Fantasy
“Gunro no keifu” is known as “Tale of a Scarface.” It follows the life of Kumoro, a yakuza member, who recently is released...
Account of the Ando Gang: Tale of a Scarface
Roy Chen Chih-Lai is a sick rapist/serial killer with a leg fetish, and cuts off his victims' legs as trophies after he's through with them. One day...
The Peeping Tom
A team of scientists conducting a biological study in the underground sewage system discovers a group of alien-looking eggs that they subsequently...
Sex Medusa
Female modeling and lesbian interest
Intimate Desire
The first in the "Gokudo Seisen" series, a hard-line action OV that presents the original draft of Shigenori Takechi under the supervision of Takashi...
Gokudô seisen: Jihaado
The second installment of the "Gokudo Seisen" series, a hard-line action OV that presents the original draft of Shigenori Takechi under the...
Gokudô seisen: Jihaado II
An erotic bizarre action in which the three sisters of the Ijuin family, descendants of Kunoichi, fight against the hostile Mao Noichi clan.
Nine-One II
Yugiri High School's new English teacher, Kinko Shimazaki (Miho Nomoto) , A senior teacher and fiancé Kawamura (Rin Sakiyama) is kissing....
Shinnin kyôshi: Nomotomiho: Chiniku no urajugyô
Riki Takeuchi stars in a yakuza film.
Hard Boiled
Detective Tsukimoto kills his partner following a botched robbery and falls deep into debt and despair. After losing everything at the horse races,...