A young couple played by Takizawa Hideaki and Fukada Kyoko get's married because the girl is pregnant. Their son is healthy until they find out he...
Kimi Ga Kureta Natsu
Detective Kenichi Itami from the The National Police Agency and Akira Iwatsuki from the cyber investigation team investigate a complex murder case....
Hamura entered a high school as a biology teacher. Unexpectedly, one of his students, Mayu, fell in love with him. The forbidden love between the...
High School Teacher
Five different directors adapt the works of Japanese author Otsuichi in this collection of unconventional live-action and animated shorts. A woman is...
Several years later after movie “Mr. Max Man”. Hideo is the younger brother of Masayoshi and he works at the same broadcasting station as...
Bros. Maxman
Based on a popular manga series of the same name, this Japanese romantic comedy sequel continues the story of Kotoko, a bubbly and cheerful girl and...
Mischievous Kiss the Movie Part 2: Campus
A mysterious international crime organization makes a demand of 900 million yen from the Japanese government for the release of hostages. The group...
AIBOU: The Movie IV
Shuichi Furukawa receives a phone call from his mother. She reminds him that they are moving the next day. The following day, Shuichi takes a train...
What a Wonderful Life!!
Goro is an archeologist, fascinated with the national treasure Gassho clay figure and remains from the Jomon period. He meets a woman, Momoko who is...
Raia Prays For…
Masayoshi is a young announcer who has worked at a broadcasting station for 3 years. He is the secondary presenter for a morning information program,...
Mr. Max Man
Japanese film directed by Michio Mitsuno.
Birthday Present
A news report circulates about a man who died after being kicked by a horse on a small island located 300km away from Tokyo. National Police Agency...
AIBOU: The Movie III
Kotoko has long dreamed of the day when she is able to be together with Naoki. But when his father’s company faces some difficulties, Naoki...
Mischievous Kiss the Movie Part 3: Propose
12-year-old Oriko Seki, who lost her parents in a car accident, ended up living in her grandmother's Onsen Ryokan "Haru no Ya." With the ghost...
Okko's Inn