The film tells the story of a hard-working and unfruitful life of a peasant from Adjara in the 1930s, who is forced to serve others to avoid...
Nunu and Iago are in love with each other. The married guard Girgola wants to get hold of the woman. Girgola gets Iago arrested and makes Nunu marry...
In the Pillory
Christine, a village girl, raped by Jason Uqmadze, a local aristocrat, decides to take her own life but the villagers spot her body in the river and...
Blinded by the desire of wealth, mother of Siko makes him leave behind his wife and child and go to America.
Who Is Guilty?
The action of the film takes place in 1905-07. The main characters are a revolutionary who escaped from Metekhi prison and two brothers who hate each...
An ethnographic analysis of the small Caucasian Khevurian tribe in Georgia.
Last Crusaders
Love, adventure, and revolutionary uprising in 19th century Georgia.