comedy about Dido who plans with his friends to rob the rich scientist (Bayoumi Fouad), who discovers the matter and transforms them by one of his...
Football player Kamal Naguib nicknamed (Congo) became the most prominent football player in Egypt, but when he runs over a police officer by mistake,...
Captain of Egypt
Aamil Sifr a security guard, whose name is a result of an error in his birth certificate, Eventually the name became his reality. While guarding a...
Agent Zero
A sequel to Monopoly (The Bank of Luck) (2017)
Monopoly (The Bank Of Luck) 2
Farid is an elusive individual renowned for his absence rather than his presence. He gained fame through the alias "Mr. Ex," as he became sought...
Mr. Ex
The events revolve around Akram, who receives an invitation to attend a masquerade party. He decides to wear police uniforms, which causes him to...
The Suit
The 'Koways' Family may seem like a model for the normal family, but it is far from normal, as it unfolds through a series of comedy situations.
El Kowayseen
Adham helps a group of his friends join a getaway club for men called “The Secret Men’s Club”. But Adham's own marriage is in...
The Secret Men Club
A comedy movie revolves around a thief who steals street dogs and sell them, oddly he learned this profession from a female dog, who breastfed him...
Local Dog
Fueled by anger after getting fired from his bank job, a lazy banker (Mohamed Saleh) joins forces with his co-worker (Amr) and their weird friend...
Monopoly (The Bank Of Luck)
Madness in Japan
The Wife of An Unimportant Man