Rock-n-roll promoter Alan Freed holds a talent search to develop a new rock star, then must find the elusive, mystery contestant (Jimmy Clanton) who...
Go, Johnny, Go!
A frustrated big-band promoter runs in to rock-and-rollers Bill Haley and the Comets at a small-town dance. He quickly becomes their manager and,...
Rock Around the Clock
Rock-and-roller Arnie Haynes returns to his hometown as a hero to the teenagers. However, the mayor and other concerned adults have banned him from...
Don't Knock The Rock
Alan Freed is "Mr. Rock and Roll" as he sets out to prove that rock 'n' roll doesn't cause juvenile delinquency. Terrific original rock 'n' roll...
Mister Rock and Roll
The story of the Black queer origins of rock n' roll. It explodes the whitewashed canon of American pop music to reveal the innovator – the...
Little Richard: I Am Everything
A teenage girl, Dori Graham, can't convince her dad to buy her a strapless gown so she decides to get the money together herself in time for the prom.
Rock Rock Rock!
Journeying through the history of rock 'n' roll as it electrified the Golden Age of Hollywood.
Hollywood Rocks 'n' Rolls in the '50s