An extremely weird comedy revolving around the life of 31- year-old Abel, who has never left home (literally). After failing with doctors and...
The story of a summer dress and those who have to do with it, especially the train conductor (played by van Warmerdam, the director). The dress...
The Dress
A black comedy set in the 1960s in a small Netherlands community, populated by a cast of eccentrics, all of whom hold a range of sexual obsessions...
The Northerners
Edgar works as a waiter in 'Het Westen', a restaurant. He is married and has a lover. His neighbors terrorize him with loud music and garbage. One...
A man from the city walks around the country side. He tries to find out what farmers are hiding below the plastic belts on their territory.
De Stedeling
Married to an illiterate Dutch farmer, Keet yearns for a child. She sets matters on course by arranging for a smart city girl, Lena, to live in and...
Little Tony
An enigmatic vagrant cons himself into the home life of an arrogant upper-class family, turning their lives into a psychological nightmare in the...
On his birthday, a hitman reluctantly takes on the easy task of killing a writer, only to find the job a lot more difficult than expected.
Schneider vs. Bax
A woman living in a large country home drives her servants to mutiny with her outrageous demands as she waits for death to come for her.
The Last Days of Emma Blank
After ruthless gangsters wrongfully accuse him of stealing from them, a retired criminal has 24 hours to creep back into his past life and retrieve a...
Black Out
Artist Joris Hansma is financially broke. He wants to end it, but even that seems impossible. His girlfriend Maria also feels miserable enough to...