This story concerns a hapless civil servant who gets more than he bargains for when he moves into an apartment in Limerick with a gay fashion student...
Cowboys & Angels
A young woman looks to escape her abusive life by moving to her family's farm near Atlanta. Unfortunately, she learns her place of supposed comfort...
Chronically agoraphobic since the day his wife was murdered, Tommy Cowley finds himself terrorized by a gang of syringe-wielding feral children, who...
Follows Joe who battles to save what he and others have spent years building.
The Happy Worker
The coming of age of young Alexander, future world conqueror, from his boyhood in Greece to his assumption of Regent of the Land, after proving his...
Young Alexander the Great
A docudrama about the relationship between writer Charles Dickens and his mistress Nelly Ternan.
Dickens' Secret Lover
Billie #hatesherjob and quits mere months before getting married. She meets a ragtag group of women also looking for employment, and finds herself...
Freelancers Anonymous
In the year 2025, a young man's superintelligent AI system tells him that he must go on a date or face certain suicide from loneliness.
A Date in 2025
Short documentary about the making of Twin Peaks: The Return.
Tell It Martin
The Polish Accountant
Experimental low-budget TV movie following the story of 4 people connected through the actions of a serial killer.