In a police station in a small village, a sergeant interrogates a young and frightened postman, known as "Cacasotto". He, normally known for being...
We Were Children
In the mid 90s a group of young teenagers are center of a story that's a paranormal thriller.
Il migliore dei mali
Captured by a ruthless gang of bank robbers, foes Diabolik and Ginko find themselves facing certain death. While Eva Kant and Altea forge an unlikely...
Diabolik - Who Are You?
On November 20, 2012, Andrea Spezzacatena, a boy who had just turned 15, took his own life. It was the first case in Italy of bullying and...
The Boy With Pink Pants
Vien di notte
Milan, Nowadays: Fernando, son of Ugo Piazza, is a brilliant criminal defense lawyer whose mother, Nelly, has done everything in her power to raise...
Caliber 9
Pino Gambassi is a child suffering from haemophilia and is animated by an unbridled desire for freedom and boundless courage: he decides to start his...
Is it better to trust your instincts or an app that guides you towards the perfect choice? Is it better to have an invitation to go out in person or...