An adaptation of Leos Janacek's opera Prihody Lisky Bystrousky (1925), based on the novel Liska Bystrouska by Rudolf Tesnohlidek. It follows the life...
The Cunning Little Vixen
Here is a rare and exceptional example in which the director and costume designer amuse themselves with `silly' costumes, but it actually works. I...
Tristan, King Marke’s most loyal vassal, takes the Irish princess Isolde to Cornwall to be married off to his master. During the journey,...
Tristan und Isolde
‘In reality, this Lohengrin is an entirely new phenomenon for the modern consciousness!’ Richard Wagner himself understood the innovative...
Webers great heroic-romantic opera Euryanthe premiered in Vienna in 1823. It concerns the wronged Euryanthe, victim of a plot to establish her...
Weber: Euryanthe
Jonathan Kent's spectacular production of Purcell's huge semi-opera is joyous, imaginative and witty. Glyndebourne, with its intimate auditorium,...
Purcell: The Fairy Queen
Director and visual artist Romeo Castellucci will tackle this mythological material and project his visions over the course of the journey performed...
Wagner: Das Rheingold