The film follows four families, with different nationalities (French, German, Russian and American) but with the same passion for music, from the...
Bolero: Dance of Life
During WWIII a young soldier meets an old physicist, who claims to have created a pill sending the user a few minutes into the past. The soldier...
Le Voyageur Imprudent
A young man wakes up one day transformed into a giant insect.
La Métamorphose
The independently-minded daughter of lower-middle class French shopkeepers, Brigitte, one of three sisters, refused to marry the father of her child...
Heart to Heart
To emerge from anonymity, a young man assumes responsibility for a crime he did not commit.
Le Crime d'amour
Based on Molière's play. The children of Harpagon, Cléante and his sister Elise, are each in love but they still haven't spoken to...
The Miser
Omar, a young Franco-Algerian from La Garenne-Colombes, decided to spend his vacation in the country of his ancestors, Algeria. On his return, he...
Le Passager du Tassili
In this surreal, overstated, black-and-white film by Marcel Schuepbach, a young woman is slowly driven to near insanity by an inner desire for a...
The Unburdening
A famous director wants to make a film about true love, the kind his grandparents experienced when they lived together for 60 years. For this...
Nicky and Marta, brother and sister, reunite in their childhood home in the Venetian countryside. Accompanied by Claudia and her lover, as well as...
To Forget Venice
Raphaël de Valentin is a tormented, hopeless and penniless young aristocrat. An old antique dealer gives him a sorrowful skin that has the power...
La peau de chagrin
Can a loving relationship of eight years go down the drain because of a single moment of carelessness? Virginie and Laurent have always treasured...
Un moment d'inattention
After a feminist is found murdered in her own home, a police detective investigates the crime with the help of several determined women.
Mersonne ne m'aime