Private detective John Duval, an ex-lieutenant commander in the Royal Navy and Naval Intelligence, finds himself the prime suspect in a police hunt...
Silent Hours
A young American computer hackeress is hired by a liberal British lawyer to right the wrong done to a third world country by a London investment...
The Steal
Set in Hoxton, East London; our story follows George and Sophie, they're saving money to go on their first holiday together, the deposit is paid, and...
Former undercover police officer Jack Adleth returns to London seeking those who tried to have him killed in Amsterdam.
Jack Falls
An eccentric old man takes bizarre revenge on a couple preying on the elderly.
Birds of Prey
Dave Lizewski is an unnoticed high school student and comic book fan who one day decides to become a super-hero, even though he has no powers,...
Awakened to muffled voices and piercing light, a panic stricken couple crawl into the New Year.
Panic in Valley City