Led by Daoudi, a disenchanted architect, a group of Constantines return to their village in deep Algeria where a young man delivers to them words of...
Cry of Stone
A team of special forces head into Afghanistan in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks in an attempt to dismantle the Taliban.
12 Strong
Elena Houghlin is a scientist, engineer and inventor of Calisto -- a sustainable energy source that will revolutionize the way people use power. It...
Charlie's Angels
When ISIS took their homes, families and city, one group of men fought to take it all back. Based on true events, this is the story of the Nineveh...
Sofiane is an Arab immigrant who lives in the US away from religion, customs, and traditions of his native land. His life is turned upside down as...
Mina, experiences homelessness and is forced to battle through a spiraling journey of mental illness to find Home. Lost between fragments of her...
My Home Unknown