Tumi Aahibaane is an Assamese language musical romance film directed by Prerana Barbarooah and jointly produced by ASFFDC & Bibi Devi Barbarooah...
Tumi Aahibane
ayanta and his daughter Dubori live a peaceful life, but one day Dubori is kidnapped by a man from Jayanta's past. A devoted father, Jayanta must...
Directed by Chandra Mudoi. With Barsha Rani Bishaya, Ravi Sharma, Bikram Hazarika, Guna Mahanta.
Ujanir Dujani Gabharu
Directed by Mohibul Haque. With Jatin Bora, Rehal Khan, Barsha Rani Bishaya, Nippon Goswami.
Juman Suman
Directed by Ashok Kumar Bishaya. With Nikumoni Baruah, Mridul Bhuyan, Ankur Kumar Bishaya, Barsha Rani Bishaya.
Bukur Majot Jole
Junali secretly loves her childhood friend Indra, but Indra is in one sided love with Purnima.
Assamese film
Joon Jole Kopalot
A rich girl falls in love with a poor dhul player
Senai Mur Dhulia