A detailed chronicle of the famous 1969 tour of the United States by the British rock band The Rolling Stones, which culminated with the disastrous...
Gimme Shelter
Featuring almost 2 hours of Eagles live performances recorded during 1973 and 1974, in the first stage of the band's career. Kicking off with a...
Eagles: The Broadcast Collection
The BBC "In Concert" TV show which aired April 5th, 1973 was filmed at the Paris Theatre in London a few days earlier on March 20th, 1973. The Eagles...
Eagles: BBC In Concert
A collection of the Eagles' concert performances from the 1970s.
The Eagles | Earlybird Live Usa 1974 & Europe 1973
Eagles concert in Voorburg, Netherlands. March 10, 1973 Includes first time live performance of the song Tequilla Sunrise
Eagles - Popgala 73
Eagles with guests Linda Ronstadt and Jackson Browne. March 3, 1974 on Don Kirshner's Rock Concert.
Eagles | Don Kirshner's Rock Concert
On September 19, 1973, the musician and heir to a million-dollar fortune died under the influence of drugs and alcohol near his favourite place - the...
Fallen Angel: Gram Parsons