During World War 2 a group of brave US Airmen are downed in Nazi controlled Europe, after their aircraft is attacked by Nazi-controlled mythological...
Reign of the Gargoyles
A teenager pretends to be dying from cancer as a way to cope with the realities of his daily existence and his father's terminal illness.
A young couple moves to a quaint southern town. Soon their perfect getaway turns out to become a living hell when dark secrets and lethal passions...
Straw Dogs
Claire Kelly was sure her world had been torn apart forever when the love of her life, a B-24 pilot, is shot down over Europe during World War II and...
Beautiful Dreamer
The story of notorious outlaw Taylon Flynn, a man hell-bent on exiting this life in a blaze of glory. His plans go awry upon the discovery of the...
Gone Are the Days
Set in the belly of Los Angeles' criminal underworld, Arc is the story of Paris Pritchert, a former police officer turned drug dealer and addict, who...
When the boss of Boston's Irish mob abruptly skips town to escape a federal indictment, a low-level gangster gathers a group of petty crooks to seize...
Madso's War