A healer, Lau Ching, falls in love with opera performer Fa Ying Hung, but their romance is shattered when a martial artist using dark magic seeks...
Back To The Beyond
A most touching and consistently heart-gripping war drama depicts the heroic deeds of General Chang Tsu-chung who was even held in high esteem and...
The Everlasting Glory
This rare swordplay team with top kung fu starlet Polly Shang Kwan and Pai Ying are on a mission to escort an official across a particularly...
Judicial Sword
Tells the story of "Bao sheng da di"--A marvelous man who wanted to become a doctor so that he could save his mother's life.
The Life God
Barry Chan plays the Canton kid a kung fu fanatic who takes on three vicious kung fu thugs who after being released from jail have come to Canton...
The Cantonese
In the months when she was young and widowed, she ran back to her natal family reluctantly and was ridiculed by her sister-in-law, so she had to...
A Widow's Man