Inspired by a television show featuring a kickboxing heroine, a woman named Kathy (Julie Suscinski) enrolls at a martial arts school in this...
The government sets up a zombie squad after an epidemic has made the world run rampant with living corpses. The team head off to Ohio to try and find...
The Dead Next Door
A scientist helps a comic-book artist to become the superhero he has created in order to battle a vicious gang of rapists.
Robot Ninja
During a drug raid, a narcotics officer confronts a strange Voodoo priest named Dr. Death, who is chanting. The officer and the priest shoot it out...
Zombie Cop
Tempe Video presents 20 unique, easy-to-apply makeups, all created from materials found around the home and in local costume shops. Professional...
Basic How-To Halloween Makeups
A small town insurance salesman is terrorized by the corrupt men behind Huntsacker Industries after he witnesses the filming of a snuff movie.
Maximum Impact