Baron, an imprisoned man, strikes up a friendship with cellmate Otis. As the pair hatch an escape plan together, Baron recalls the story of how he...
A young college graduate toiling as an intern has dreams of making it big in publishing, and the chance comes when they accept an offer to become the...
Gonzo Girl
The story of writer Charles Bukowski's formative years from childhood to high school and his struggles with an abusive father, disfiguring acne,...
Angela and Jessie are best friends intent on taking a wild beach trip, but when their roommate loses all of their money in a drug scam, the girls --...
Never Goin' Back
A mild-mannered father is transformed into a killing machine after his family is torn apart by a violent act.
Death Wish
In Anaconda, Montana, a strong-willed teenage girl navigates a loving but volatile relationship with her veteran father. In a desperate search for...
Mickey and the Bear
Set to a new wave '80s soundtrack, a pair of young lovers from different backgrounds defy their parents and friends to stay together.
Valley Girl