In a nearby future, where the male gender is banned, a woman discovers that her missing mother, a scientist, was growing a man in her lab. While she...
In Vitro
In the 1980s, the musical and futuristic teacher Clara Celeste arrives at a school surrounded by bullying problems driven by issues of ethnicity,...
We Are the Future
Brazil, 1981. Rodolfo sees his private and social life clashing when young Alberto is employed at the office of his little town.
Boy in Yellow
After his mother’s passing, Tomas’ life turned black and white. Days change when he meets Gabriel, a photographer with a red jacket who...
Where the sky sets the clock
Inspired by Arthur Rimbaud's utopian poetics, who dreamed of a universal language without words that directly touches the senses, Anatomy of the Faun...
Anatomia do Fauno