The story revolves around the life of Bhairathi Ranagal's journey from being a law-abiding responsible lawyer to the benevolent crime boss of...
Bhairathi Ranagal
Frustrated with a greedy hospital, an honest cop takes its heart surgeon hostage to save his son. Can he succeed, especially with his corrupt...
Arul, who works in a mill, is the youngest of four brothers in a family of goldsmiths. Once, Arul's brother stole a chain due to financial...
Vasu is a prankster who whiles away his time teasing girls and getting scolded by his father. But when one of his pranks results in his brother...
Thiruda Thirudi
Khakii is a romantic action drama film written and directed By Naviin Reddy B and produced by Manasa Tarun, Tarun Shivappa under Tarun Talkies...
In order to escape from the loan sharks, Bala takes his wife and son to hide in his ancestral home. However, things turn eerie when he feels the...
Anandhapurathu Veedu
Kathir (Udhayanidhi) a Madurai lad goes to Coimbatore with a purpose and very soon flips for the charms of a beautiful Pavithra (Nayanthara) who is...
Idhu Kathirvelan Kadhal
Sivagiri, a blacksmith from a village, visits Chennai to meet his sister and her husband. When he sees the city is not a safe residence for...
Pattasu film is about how two friends sacrifice them for the sake of friendship.
Anand and Nandita are newly married but she is unable to forget her first love, Sekar. She decides to divorce him and try to find Sekar.
Vallamai Tharayo
A youngster realises that the girl he loves is the sister of the guy who had tormented his own sister in the past.
Uyire Uyire
A sex worker sets out on a journey to find the father of her child, who is suffering from rare medical condition.
Lilly Rani
Based in Kancheepuram, Surya/Arjun makes a living as a con-man on the North Zone, and is assisted by his girlfriend, Baby; while the South side is...
Jai Surya
A stranger comes to a coastal village and gets into a tiff with the local gangster and his son.
A film based around the life of a Muslim woman, Rukhia Begum, set in the coastal regions of Dakshina Kannada. She gets married to an Arab businessman...
‘Power’ Paandi, once a legendary stunt master who ruled the world of film stunts in his prime years is now content in living a peaceful...
Pa Paandi
When his plans go terribly wrong, an engineering graduate ends up becoming a target for powerful people which begins to affect the lives of the...
Two of Kerala's rival cops, worlds apart from each other, work for the narcotics department. Shekhar (Prithviraj), goes about his duty in a ruthless...
Three strangers, who were cheated by a three-member fraud gang, hatch plan to take revenge on their leader, and go to his home around same time. All...
Iravukku Aayiram Kangal
Shelly and Rajasree are students at fine arts college and they fall in love during college days. Their parents oppose for their marriage and they...
Mullavalliyum Thenmavum
A mother who loses her child to psycho killer's killing spree goes in search for answers
An Indian army officer goes after the mastermind behind a terror attack that also resulted in personal loss to him.
An undercover cop goes into the big bad world of Ronapura, an place taken over by a don named Bhairathi Ranagal, where his safety may be compromised.
A 2002 Kannada movie.
Balagalittu Olage Baa