FLAMES is former TV a teen-oriented drama series and becomes a movie that is divided into two separate episodes. Episode 1: Tameme Leslie is a rich...
Flames: The Movie
Millet hired Jay, who pretended to be a gay, as as her pseudo-husband in order to avoid a fixed marriage which she totally opposes to. Together,...
Muling Ibalik Ang Tamis Ng Pag-ibig
Three boys are confronted with what they perceive as a challenge to prove their masculinity in a story about sexual awakening. Paul is a show-off...
Mystrio (Uno... Dos... Tres Pilyos!)
Abby thinks she has everything under control until her best friend Sabina walks out of her own bridal shower weeks before her marriage to Abby's...
Don't Give Up On Us
Elaine and Orly are a young couple whose marriage is in shambles because of a dysfunctional sex life. He works as a delivery van driver during the...