The complicated story involves the military conquest of a peaceful island-nation by an evil despot and his sorcerer ally. His victory leaves the...
Return of the Kung Fu Dragon
China, 1915. A secret and unequal treaty that would increase Japan's dominance over China is about to be signed unwillingly but not before external...
21 Red List
The place: Shanghai. The time: 1921. The Japanese aggression towards China is getting stronger each day. Enter Hsueh Ao-Lin, an agent of the...
A fantastic martial artist and cat burglar puts his skills to use when he joins the Chinese resistance movement against the invading Japanese.
The Dragon Kid
Manchuria 1941: Caught sleeping with his Japanese major's mistress, Manchurian collaborator Tung Fei (Jackson Liu Hsiu-hsien) fatally shoots the man...
Iron Sister
Kidnapped by a group of bandits and raped by their chief, Dan Zhu slowly develops feelings for the perpetrator. Echoing the social realism of...
Run Away