In 1870s Texas, a ruthless bounty hunter and an Irish desperado flee the law with a young criminal claiming to possess a treasure more valuable than...
The Legend of Hell's Gate: An American Conspiracy
We follow three outlaws; Will Edwards, James McKinnon and 'Kid Called Kelly' as they escape from the law through the rough terrain of 1870s Texas.
Mouth of Caddo
The first Iraq war saw many tragedies and acts of heroism. This is the story seen through the eyes of the men and women involved.
The Heroes of Desert Storm
In a small Texas town, two unlikely characters cross paths into what can only described as a chain of events that will change their lives forever....
An Acrid Yarn
A film about the early life of the baseball star in the army, particulary his court-martial for insubordination regarding segragation.
The Court-Martial of Jackie Robinson
A young substitute teacher escapes from her drudging everyday life by fantasizing about bizarre parallel realities.
Becky wants to become an actress. After an audition for a dog food ad she has best chances to get the part - but the day after her dog Petey becomes...
Save the Dog!
After being released from a psychiatric institution, a man tries to redeem himself in the eyes of his now-ex wife from the events that led up to his...
She's So Lovely
Jack Caine is a Houston vice cop who's forgotten the rule book. His self-appointed mission is to stop the drugs trade and the number one supplier...
Dark Angel
Sara and Brian live an idyllic life with their young son and daughter. But their family is rocked by sudden, heartbreaking news that forces them to...
My Sister's Keeper
Johnny Truelove likes to see himself as tough. He's the son of an underworld figure and a drug dealer. Johnny also likes to get tough when things...
Alpha Dog
As the new partner in an oil-drilling enterprise, Mace Morgan s future looks rosy, until he meets Monique, his partner s girlfriend.
A police detective tracks a serial killer who is stalking young women on a beach front after each game that a baseball pitcher wins.
Night Game
Celebration of Disneyland's 35th Anniversary
Disneyland's 35th Anniversary Special
A deranged ex-con seeks revenge after his screenplay has been stolen.
Fade Out Ray