An animated documentary chronicling famed paranormal investigator Harry Price’s research at Borley Rectory, renowned as the ‘most haunted...
Borley Rectory
Provoked is the true story of Kiranjit Ahluwalia, a Punjabi woman who moved to London after her marriage with Deepak Ahluwalia. Her husband seemed...
Provoked: A True Story
Post-apocalyptic short inspired by Theatre of the Absurd offering a satirised view of the live-to-work ethic. Originally based on a letter about the...
Man vs Sand
Horror-Scopes aims to bring 12 of Indie Horrors brightest talents together to tell 12 star crossed tales of Horror Scope based horror.
Horror-Scopes Volume One
A series of gruesome murders in a sleepy English village have the police baffled whilst locals investigate a possible supernatural link.
The Last Twitch
The morning after the night before, a rapid spiral of disastrous telephone calls chart the certain ruin of young Phil's day as he attempts to fib his...
Telling Lies
Together with another man, the a young Vietnamese Hung is trafficked abroad on the promise of a job and a new life. Forced to work in a cannabis...
The Trip
Compilation of five disability-themed short films, made by a group of disabled British directors.
The Magic Hour