Thirty years after the release of his film JFK (1991), filmmaker Oliver Stone reviews recently declassified evidence related to the assassination of...
JFK Revisited: Through the Looking Glass
Using a framework of the contemporary divide on racial justice, Cyril explores famed forensic pathologist Dr. Cyril Wecht’s observations on...
After one of Dr. Ravi's (Ravi Godse) patients commits suicide, supposedly due to his negligence, media outlets and the public begin vilifying him. As...
I Am a Schizophrenic and So Am I
Sam Cooke died at the age of 33 on December 11, 1964, at the Hacienda Motel, at 9137 South Figueroa Street, in Los Angeles, California. Answering...
Lady, You Shot Me: The Life and Death of Sam Cooke
The death of John Kennedy is viewed through another angle in this conspiracy-themed film defending the theory that George Herbert Walker Bush was a...
Dark Legacy
A variety of experts, authors, and reporters discuss the murder of JFK. If one were to select the ten most significant events in American history,...
The Assassination of JFK
A documentary examining the mysterious deaths of three young Indigenous women in south-central Montana, featuring access to family members, tribal...
Murdered and Missing in Montana
Four part documentary about JFK's murder, and who had reasons and means to do it, and to escape. - Part 1: History is written by the winners. Part 2:...
JFK II: The Bush Connection
Explosive new facts on who may have been responsible for JKF's untimely death are explored in a revealing, cutting edge current day assessment of all...
JFK Assassination: The Oval Office to Dealey Plaza
Twenty years ago, Kurt Cobain was found dead of an apparent gunshot wound to the head. The world was told it was a suicide, but evidence would lead...
Soaked in Bleach