Titeuf is a comic series created by Swiss draughtsman Zep (real name Philippe Chapuis) depicting the life of a young boy (the title's namesake...
Gaullish custom requires that a would-be chief must challenge and defeat another to become the leader of two tribes. Vitalstatistix is not perturbed...
Asterix and the Big Fight
Titeuf - Vol. 1 - Une star est née
Le bahut va craquer
Titeuf - Vol. 2 - L'encre dédébile
Titeuf - Vol. 3 - Raclette partie
Titeuf - Vol. 4 - Les poux attaquent !
Titeuf - Vol. 7 - SOS récré
Titeuf - Vol. 5 - Nadia beurzday
Titeuf - Vol. 8 - Le coup de foudre
La Faute