Three friends, whose lives have been drifting apart, reunite for the funeral of a fourth childhood friend. When looking through their childhood...
Without a Paddle
Lucinda lives a fairytale life with dairy farmer Rob, and his 117 cows. But after a freak car accident she decides to test Rob's love for her by...
The Price of Milk
A former firefighter and Special Forces officer takes on a team of murderous terrorists when the oceanliner he's working on is hijacked shortly after...
Maiden Voyage
A comedy-drama which follows the collapse of two marriages.
Separation City
Liz has missed an appointment to have an abortion. She has to keep her child, and neither her boyfriend Geoff nor child's father Neil are too happy...
Topless Women Talk About Their Lives
As a family gather to watch one of their own swimming in the Olympics, minutes of fame become a hilarious and painful 24 hours when they uncover the...
Via Satellite
Over Christmas lunch an estranged daughter struggles with her Dad’s Alzhiemer’s and the reaction her return creates in the family.
Destined to be lovers, Bunnie and Geoff are wildly happy together in the 1970's, until something terrible happens to drive them apart. In the...
Channelling Baby
A young couple stumble into a disused photographer's studio and find themselves snapped up by the past.
A millionaire, accused of killing his wife, rest in a paradise by the sea while waiting for the verdict. Thanks to the relationship he establishes...
Forever New Zealand
A British design executive, who seemingly has everything going for him has his life totally changed when a refrigerator falls from an aircraft and...
Siam Sunset
For Kane Harris and Vera Smith, what starts as an easy task of murder becomes a tangled web of deception and betrayal. Their target, Kane's wife, is...
A Game With No Rules
The vampire myth is given a stylish 1960s treatment, where a human cop partners with a vampire cop to stop a vamp bent on creating a war between the...
Perfect Creature
An intimate story set during the 1860s in which a young Irish woman Sarah and her family find themselves on both sides of the turbulent wars between...
River Queen
In this science fiction B movie a photo-journalist, Stringer, returns to New Zealand only to find himself with a mystery chest scare and a plague...
A high school teenager wakes up in a time of Amazons and Gods.
Amazon High
In 1943, U.S. marines are stationed near Wellington. One of them is murdered by the boss of the Hotel Workers Union, who is sitting pretty, exempt...
The Last Tattoo
1995 TV movie directed by Jessica Hobbs.