Based on true events. In 1980s Poland, Jerzy Górski is a young man who finds the determination to struggle against his drug addiction through...
Breaking the Limits
Helina, a modest checkout assistant at the Butterfly retail chain, dreams about getting a better life for herself and her daughter. An opportunity...
Women's Day
Szkoła uwodzenia Czesława M.
Droga do raju
When two childhood friends strike up romances with their ideal matches, they quickly discover that they may actually have feelings for each other.
Love Is Nearby
Nikol and Oliwka have a freedom the rest of teenagers can only dream of. Far from parental supervision and prohibitions, they leave according to...
Wonder Girls
A young entrepreneur, Slawomir Sikora, persecuted by a ruthless bandit, commits murders in defense of his loved ones. Sentenced to 25 years in...
My Debt
Mikołaj na sygnale