Ben Kinnear and Mike Paddock are two undercover detectives with way too much publicity, who find they can no longer turn a blind eye to the...
Bad Eggs
An amusing and entertaining film, "Stiff" showcases David Wenham as Murray Whelan, political fixer and amateur investigator. An adaption of a Shane...
A bright young teenager from a broken home uses his quick wits and glib tongue to get out of trouble - but they also get him into it.
Fast Talking
On a TV tabloid show, Iya Zetnick exposes Joe Mueller as the Nazi war criminal who killed her family.
This little comedy is set in a small factory come halfway home, employing only handicapped people. Ollie Rennie is the boss and sometime minder of...
Struck by Lightning
Friends meet at a farm house to await the birth of a baby.
Jack Irish is a man getting his life back together again. A former criminal lawyer whose world imploded, he now spends his days as a part-time...
Jack Irish: Bad Debts
Dorothy, single and one of the writers of the soap "The True World" hates living alone, but the guys she knows don't appeal to her. Her aunt Esther's...
Bachelor Girl