The story evolves around Benjie (Coco Martin), a young security guard who, having lost her girlfriend from another man, has also lost his sense of...
Running low on cash and eager for a quick fix, JunJun scores homemade drugs from his dealer, the effects of which are alien to him. When the new maid...
Rafael is a village mayor caught in the murderous crossfire of the Philippine-American War. When U.S. troops occupy his village, Rafael comes under...
The mysterious death of a young village lass leads to the investigation of those who knew her and what they may have to gain from her death. Told...
After spending thirty years in prison, Pedro (Lou Veloso), aging and obviously clueless as to what has become of the world outside the penitentiary,...
Super Inday and the Golden Bibe is a remake of the original 1988 movie starring Maricel Soriano & a fantasy-adventure flick official entry to 36th...
Super Inday and the Golden Bibe
A 2010 Filipino romantic drama starring Kim Chiu and Gerald Anderson.
Paano Na Kaya
Evo and Grace are from different worlds. Their paths cross serendipitously when Grace, a waitress in a girlie bar, agrees to fill in for a stripper...
My Bestfriend's Girlfriend
Genevieve Homes boasts of a 24-hour security system (you may have seen him napping every so often), and is conveniently located near the neighborhood...
Baby Angelo