Hanan, a poor Yeshiva student, deeply involved in Kabbalah, learned that his beloved Lea, daughter of the wealthy man of the shtetl, will be given to...
The Dybbuk
Hayuta and Berl, an elderly couple, find it hard to adjust to today's Israel and to the social changes surrounding them. After years of struggle, the...
A year from today, Israel is at war. Shlomi, an 18-year-old soldier, flees the battlefield and makes his way back to his home. When Shlomi discovers...
The Vanishing Soldier
Aharon has devoted his life to raising his son Uri. They live together in a gentle routine, away from the real world. But Uri is autistic, and now as...
Here We Are
When Mooky is fifteen, his beloved father dies a sudden death, and his place is taken by Yanek - an impulsive, rough, yet generous man who is...
Burning Mooki
Two pairs of assassins are sent by a holocaust survivor's son to bring the last Nazi for a show trial in Israel.
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