The war between the Heike clan and the Genji clan continues. This time, Nozomi has to fight a powerful supernatural enemy and make a choice: protect...
Haruka - Beyond the Stream of Time 3: Endless Destiny
Hero Land is a world where you can meet the heroes and heroines you have been waiting for, created by the inventor girl "Ururu". Shimajiro and his...
Shimajiro to Ururu no Heroland
A film adaptation of the Holy Emperor story arc, which primarily depicted the conflict between Kenshiro and Souther. New characters Reina, one of...
Fist of the North Star: The Legend of the True Savior: Legend of Raoh-Chapter of Death in Love
In the midst of an industrial revolution, the people of Hinomoto fight hordes of undead creatures, known as Kabane, using powerful armored trains....
Kabaneri of the Iron Fortress: The Battle of Unato
When Ryu returns to pay homage to his deceased mentor, Gouken, he is tormented by disturbing memories of his master's killer (Gouki). In a quest to...
Street Fighter Alpha: Generations