The virtuous Nicole is the wife of wealthy composer Lucien. Through an error made by a dressmaker, Nicole discovers that Lucien is leading a double...
Nicole and Her Virtue
A picador, an already mature man, keeps secret his love for the young orphan he raised. But she falls in love with a young picador...
The Picador
Le chemineau
Rival knights compete for the hand of a beautiful maiden in this period feature from Jean Renoir.
The Tournament
Wine Cellars itself is a Spanish-French co-production. He shot the film in the Paris studios and also in Spain, Andalusia and Seville. According to...
Wine Cellars
A young French woman who inherits her uncle's property in Algeria finds herself schemed against by her envious cousins, and romanced by a handsome...
Le Bled
Lisa, Pontus and Herman has formed a small artists’ collective in Stockholm. The successes are rare and occasionally this sets off an irritated...
A handsome barber in Sweden doesn't know he's actually the Crown Prince of a Balkan kingdom in this charming Swedish-German comedy that effortlessly...
His Majesty the Barber
Told in four episodes, an unnamed artist is transported through a mirror into another dimension, where he travels through various bizarre scenarios.
The Blood of a Poet
Baron Conrad Wirvelpihl get hit in the head and lose his memory.
Halfway Up the Sky