In a small desert town in the middle of nowhere, Cliff, a handicapped and isolated man in his mid-60's, comes into being after a lifetime of...
Old Cliff Rising
After the death of her closest two friends, young Daphne Lessing suffers a loss of faith, then a lapse in memory. Confronted with a diagnosis of...
The Substance of Things Hoped For
A troubled young boy with a terrifying secret is forced to take matters into his own hands. It's up to a former teacher and tough LAPD Sgt. Olivia...
After School
On his last night on the job, an unsuspecting LA cab driver gets roped into helping a wealthy investment banker cover up a brutal crime.
This Last Lonely Place
A successful young man must return to his childhood small town in Texas to help his father. His father, who's ill, wants him to take over the family...