A former clergyman finds himself back in his old boarding school where the disturbances experienced by its community might help him regain his faith...
The Unholy
Sancaka has lived on the streets since his parents left him. Living a hard life, Sancaka survives by thinking about his own safety. When the...
One year has passed since Satria Garuda Bima-X defeated VUDO and the earth is in peace again. Ray and Rena are rebuilding the Parallel World again....
Satria Heroes: Revenge of Darkness
After being trained in the art of silat, a disciple gets sent on a journey by his mentor to take down a treacherous e-pupil with a villainous plan.
Wiro Sableng: 212 Warrior
In the tumultuous near-future of Indonesia in 2027, Edwin, a young substitute teacher at a school for juvenile delinquents, must face his own inner...
The Siege at Thorn High
Tells the story of a family of silat fighters living in a small village. They have long kept the secret of their tiger- style martial art, a...
The Tiger