The film revolves around "young" are forced to lie at the beginning of his life as a result of the difficult conditions experienced by the passage of...
El Rajul El Ghamid Bisalamatoh
Youssef, a student at the Faculty of Fine Arts, responds to the call of talent and love of drawing against his family's wishes.
In Natural Colors
Hassan has been haunted by feelings of guilt ever since his mother and sister died. He faces a challenging situation with his new job as the driver...
Hassan El Masry
Lawyer Adel Abdel Aziz faces a terrible event that turns his life upside down as a result of his honor and dignity. Accordingly, he decides to adopt...
Alternative Plan
Mohamed Hussein, a chauffeur at a 5-star hotel, is accused by the police of murdering a famous painter who had just arrived from Paris and was...
Mohamed Hussein
Eight documentary makers decide to go to the location of Elsalam Ship which sunk years ago to make a new documntary where they face unforseen dangers.
Living on the edges of Cairo’s Embabah neighborhood, several residents seek to better their circumstances following the January 25 Revolution.
The Republic Of Imbaba